Sunday, 30 July 2017

In Search of a Hero - Loinoli H Chophy (BA 3rd Semester)

Life is dead rough sometimes,

Takes you back to olden times;
Where fate put you in tempests,
And you went through a tough phase
Such situations, never ready to face.

Echoes of my screams running wild;
Of the pain I thought it was mild.
Whenever I closed my eyes at night,
Visions of the war I just begun to fight,
Flashed in a frenzy light.

My mother once told me about,
The heroes who would come around,
And save you from the depths of sorrow,
So you can face another tomorrow.
Was it just a story to cheer the fallen?

I searched for my hero everywhere,
Only to realize he was nowhere.
Where was my hero when I needed him?
When my harsh life left me dazed
And lost wandered I through the meadows.

My feelings seemed a game for life,
Like rolling stones down the hills.
I cried until my throat had died.
Spiting on my miserable life,
Which stabbed me like a knife.

The hero I very much yearned,
Never reached me in the end.
In the end, sinking on my misery,
I realized, there was something untried,
To be a hero for myself!

I thought to myself
“If heroes are there for us,
Who is there for them?”
And then like a lightning,
It stroked and crossed my mind.

“Heroes must have been my kind”,
Played by life until they cried,
But they stood up and tried.
And with a sense of relief,
With all my might to find, I finally stood.

The hero; not the one who will save me,
But the one who resides in me.
Because at the end of the day,

I am my own hero, now and forever more.

Picture courtesy - TV Guide